LoveQuest Incorporated

LoveQuest Incorporated © All rights reserved.

358 Avery Landing  Augusta, GA 30907

Because Your Family Matters

        We have prepared several articles for your consideration designed to equip prospective home school parents with the hows and whys of homeschooling. Within these presentations you'll find both information and links to information that will hopefully answer all of your questions or at least show you where to go and who to contact with your unanswered questions. You'll find the home school  community to be large and close-knit. There's always someone close that has answers and is willing to help the neophyte teacher.

What is home school???
Home school creates peace in your home. No more separating the family.
Home school is the freedom to choose your own curriculum and to choose how much of it to do a day. It’s the freedom to know when your child has had enough and give them a break.
Home school is learning how to write letters in the sand outside instead of stuck at a desk all day.
Home school is able to grow a bond between you and your child. By letting you learn how they tick, how you can help them succeed, how you can help them grow.

Homeschoolers on average have better SAT Scores and receive more scholarships than public school graduates.
The Fall CDC guidelines for our children to obey are a breeding ground for anxiety, fear, behavior issues, separation anxiety, and so much more.
If you’re wondering what a home school day actually looks like, let’s chat! I have Mama friends that have had every age, and now have kids in college. No matter your kids age, I know someone who would love to chat with you.
You’re the parent, if it doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t. You can make a different choice for your family. Even if you don’t think it looks that way in the budget, I know people who can help with that too!

God has equipped you with everything you need to teach your children. Even if you struggled through school. You can do this!! You know your children best and have every capability to teach them in the best way for them to learn.

You are enough! You are able!

Courtney Canipe Freeman

Wife, Mother, Worship Leader, and Home School Mom

You Can Find Courtney on FaceBook

Encouragement From A Real Home School Mom

This craziness you’ve been doing the last few months is NOT homeschooling! It is not learning at home!
NONE of how you were thrown into teaching your kids is how it works when you home school.
DO NOT let the attitudes of your children, the 8-10 hours of school work, the sorting papers and figuring out what lesson is what make you think that was home school.
Trust me, it wasn’t.

     However, before we get started, I'd like to clear up a misunderstanding suffered by some mom's of small children. As we have all had to adapt to changes in our lives due to the covid-19 virus and pandemic, I have read comments from a few young mothers in their frustration as they have had to try to help their kids with their virtual classroom experience trying to continue their studies online with their current school teachers. This unfortunately has given some parents a very false idea of what genuine home schooling is all about. So, before we start, I'd like for you to hear what one home school mom has to say about that.

Has Covid-19 Made You Curious About Homeschooling?

        If the recent pandemic has made you nervous about sending your child back into a public or private classroom, you may be curious or even considering homeschooling. It may shock you to know that there are thousands of parents already teaching their children at home in a secure, safe, and healthy environment. In fact, homeschooling is one of the fastest growing industries in our country.

        LoveQuest Incorporated is about a lot more than just building great marriages. We want to provide the best insight and instruction for all areas of family growth. So with that in mind, we have set out to formally introduce you to the possibilities that come with the homeschooling option. Over the years as the movement has grown in numbers and popularity, many of the myths propagated by it's opponents have been dispelled as students graduated their respective home schools with test scores up to 30% higher than the national average, better study habits, mature social skills, and a higher completion percentage of their chosen college degree programs than traditionally educated students. That being said, it's not for everyone. However, in that you are reading this we are assuming that you are at least curious and perhaps considering the home school option. So, we are going to give you all of the information and encouragement you need to start a home school so that you can decide if it's for you and your child.